A Government Out of Control

A Government Out of Control

Saturday, December 26, 2015

NEVER AGAIN- American Economics Again







FEMA camps are the building of a new NAZI-style concentration camp for Americans.  That's it.  They are being built right under our noses and I sure don't see anyone doing anything to stop them.  These camps do not belong on American soil.  They need to be destroyed and once again... I say to you; "We The People" are the fourth branch of the US Government.. if we don't act and do this; then we will someday find a new home... 

Personally, I'd die first; for me, it is NEVER AGAIN!  But, the people have to realize; preparation for housing is what the camps are.. 

You guessed it!  Railway into the ruins of an old concentration camp. Below, fences and bedrooms and structures... Americans, you have to get it in your mind.. those two words NEVER AGAIN!  And, it literally can never be again.  Something has to be done with FEMA Camps.  

So what is really happening in the American Government and in 'the people'?  

Believe it or not; the citizens in the United States of America are living in deplorable conditions!  You say this isn't true!!!! Oh, yes it is and they don't even know it.  They are in bondage; the government that is supposed to protect them; has not turned against them- and has been working to be against them for many many years.  To create a 3D photo in the mind's eye.. think of it like this.  The US flag is the background of this photo.  A picture that blends into the flag is one of the Congress, The Senate, The Judicial System and even The President-  And layer that on the top with a beautiful picture of the citizens.  Blend it together; and it's an amazing photo at first glance.  Then you look closer!  The Government is caught doing what they in fact are doing for real.  The Congress is burning the flag; The Senate is voting themselves in higher wages and The Judicial System is sitting behind the bench with it's eyes closed to the Truth. The President is ordering the military to point weapons at the citizens and the citizens are playing the lottery.  Some are at a sports game and some driving through a BurgerKing.  The schools are burning the Constitution in this picture and riots are rampant in the streets.  The Attorney General is selling weapons to the enemy and the enemy is invading the land with those weapons killing border agents.  

The citizens are being ravished and raped in airports and the government is diving up the cash collected from the citizens who pay the government to be out of control.  

But, the citizens find it amazing to live in better homes than most developing countries and they love the season's sports games and pay high prices to see them.  The women love to shop until they drop and most drive beautiful new or almost new amazing cars with all the bells and whistles;  oh, yes; the bills come due!  And, the bill for living without being responsible for the safeguarding of the countries laws and civil duties are also coming due!  That price is now almost so high the people won't ever be able to pay it.. 

The People will be hauled off to concentration camps when they do get a voice here and there; why? Because while you watched football and Fox News; they built an army against you and in that plan; concentration camps called FEMA. 

The citizens have forgotten all about WWII; they believe they have a two-party system for the vote and believe that system is really working for them!! Amazing what they believe if in fact, they believe anything at all beyond day to day eating, working and sleeping.  

The moral decay in the United States is so low that the most innocent of all is murdered on a minute by minute basis; called abortion and almost no accountability is required by the people. As a matter of fact, in America; mother's don't even take care of their children any more.  They hire that done so they can go out and get a job and be one of the bread winners of the family; while the family falls apart at the seams.  

Most men want to be women and a lot of women want to be men!  It's absurd in reality.  

As Judge Jenine Pirro says "Americans the Jackals are at the door!"  Well, they've been at the door; but now the door is wide open!  

The Nuremberg Trials 

If anyone has watched The Nuremberg Trials; you will see the NAZI Regime' go on trial for their crimes against humanity during WWII.  America brought charges against these criminals along with other nations; and it seemed as though at least on some level justice was done.  I don't think human justice is ever adequate for crimes of this nature; however, for human beings; it was a good thing.  

Well, today; these last few years; we see the next generation of the the NAZI  Regime' rising up again; and this time it is America!  This time it's the citizens of the United States who are the criminals-  in the mind of the US Government anyway.  The patriots pose a threat to the plans for the NWO and so in that threat; not only are FEMA camps being built; but we have an illegal president that seems to be sitting in the White House with impunity!  

Americans have a Congress out of control or at least for their good; and in control for the good of the take over and slow disintegration of the US Constitution; and they are working with seeming impunity form consequences.  It's not a pretty thing.  The citizens are sleeping through the take over!  They are going about life as if they are not in danger of life and liberty and even the soul and heart of the US Constitution is not in danger of death!  


We have a major part of America full of citizens that seem to believe that voting in a new president is the answer to our problems.  At this time Donald Trump is running on the Republican ticket; and it seems Americans didn't learn their lesson from voting obama into the White House.  Citizens; Donald Trump isn't your saviour.  Until YOU, the people realize it's you that has to rise up and put your lives down for the sake of your country; we will be in grave danger no matter who the president is.  The NWO plans will continue to march forward; and Islam will continue to try to destroy us.  The Muslim counterfeit president we now have, Barack Hussein Obama, sits with his executive orders just like any dictatorship; and congress is so passive; they are complicit!  

The Elite have put all they have into the plans to bring down patriot America.  Check on my page American Economics Again Page II 

If you, patriot citizens, don't realize YOU have to put all you have into the war on the "Take Over".  All you have is what it will take.  Nothing short of that will help you or your family or your country.  
You hold the purse strings; and at least in some sort of faction; the voting power and the voice.  You don't realize how much power you collectively have and how much they are counting on your lethargic mental attitudes to continue.  

The ultimate power to take the United States back into a civilization free of threat; is The People.  I can't state that enough.  I can't put enough emphasis on that principle.  The US Constitution is under threat of murder and forever gone!  Once that total murder happens; it cannot be and will not be back; fixed, raised back into being or any form of law for you and your families.  It's final!  The NWO plans will take every freedom you have and ever will have!  Get a mental and emotional grip on that thought; because that thought is at the gate.  

Don't make more mistakes.  Stop dead in your tracks and make a commitment to The US Constitution.  Not to a politician or a political party.  Let that all go!  

Sports and More. 

The amount of people in America who are avid sports enthusiasts;  you show up and fill stadiums and you pay big money to do it.   You are filled with raw emotion for the sake of your team.  Why can't you understand that your country is in need of that much attention at the very least; that much money in the hands of the patriots and that much commitment.  Why can you not understand that? 

 Nuclear  war won't have that opportunity for you; ISIS won't give you that opportunity; NWO FEMA Camps won't give you those opportunities.. Everything you hold dear will be stripped and taken!  Any power you have will be taken.  Your voice will be silenced!  Why can you not see that?

Yes, watch this video.  Political Correctness is Garbage!  Stop It!  

American Citizens Are In Trouble and You Need To Understand That.  Stop The Games!  Get Serious!  Stop Stop Stop! 

American Government is wielding it's sword toward You Americans!  Obama is wielding his sword at you.. you have to get up and get this stopped!  All of you; all of us.  Together!  

As Vladimir Putin says; The US is aggressive toward the Imperialistic Way of Life.  They want dominance and Imperialism.  This isn't what the United States is or who we are.  These politicians are killing our men; how many have been murdered under Obama and Hillary Clinton?  We can list them;  Seal Team 6 was left to die because of the funding of ISIS.  

One of these days; Putin is going to get fed up and at that point; if this isn't turned around; we can lose our lives in nuclear war folks.. you need to put life down and pick up the protection of your nation and make it right.  And do it as one nation involving all states; all citizens able to get involved! 


"The Moron Millions"  45: 30 on the video 

A good history and look at the NAZI Concentration Camps 

Concentration camps have always been in site for people who are to be expunged from the 'Rich' agenda.. Citizens; pay attention here on this video.  Nothing has changed.  

The US Constitution of the ONLY Supreme Law of the Land on the face of the globe that gives it's nation to 'the people' and for the good of the citizens and therefore the nation.  To lose this law is to lose all hope of life outside of bondage and slavery on the globe.  It's that important!  

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